Yorkland High School held the grand graduation ceremony for Class of 2019 graduates at Hart House, University of Toronto on June 13th, 2019. All staff, teachers, and graduates dressed up and attended the ceremony. Parents and guests from various circles were also invited to witness the meaningful moment.
The ceremony started with welcome speech from MC, the student Eily Zhang, Then, the principle (Mr. Bailey), the teacher representative (Ms. Moros), and the Student Council president gave their speeches respectively. The most important moment of the ceremony was that Mr. Bailey and Ms. Satmarean gave ceremony announcements, and the graduates walked on the stage one by one to receive their diploma. The congratulation video was shown to the graduates at the ceremony to celebrate their graduation from high school and success of university application. The school also awarded the students who performed very well in many different ways during school year of 2018-2019. Some previous graduates were invited to share their feelings and experiences at the universities. There were some wonderful performances from the students as well, such as piano performance from Fiona and Bruce, ukulele performance from music class, singing from Vivian and Eric, so on and so forth. The ceremony ended in the closing speech from the teacher, Ms. Belenzada. Hope all our graduates can realize their dreams in the future!